Saturday, January 16, 2010

The D week !!!

What can i say about this week .... Started off on a very slow note with classes as usual... But on Wednesday morning while dressing up for college got a frantic call from sanjay , asking me to come asap , as the coordinator is giving away 1 st sem marksheet .I was completely taken aback with the kinda way the results were announced . My prayers achieved fever pitch , I was terrified to say the least . I just prayed for passing the exam .

A person who has gone through the agony of getting a couple of backs can relate to my situation . I just saw whether the GPA was mentioned or not , which indicated that the candidate has passed. The moment I realized that have passed it was unadulterated happiness which can be compared to person winning a Olympic gold .

After that it was back to classes again in the meantime had a heart to heart talk with mou about us our present , future together the kinda expectation we have of each other . I think these kinda things help us in our professional life as well , as you know alls well on the other end.

Got myself involved with a college event ... hopefully can get some mileage out of it.
All was fine until today when I sat for a presentation which I was not supposed to do for a course in Information security . The money is not the problem but time and my drive is....I am not sure whether I would be efficiently handle this extra topic so would be seeking advice , though personally felt that this course would provide with necessary skill set to make me a better marketable commodity to the industry.

cheers !!

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